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January 30th, 2025

Table Customize Mode Improvements

What’s changed?

  • Customize mode can now show up to 100 (configurable) rows, so the entire league can be shown while in customize mode for MLB or MiLB. You won't have to save temporary reports as often if you just want to check 1 new stat.

  • Custom report editing is faster as the table header remains while the data is loading.

  • Table data displays in dimmed format while new data is loading, making it easier to keep your eyes engaged with the data table during load.

  • Report re-orders immediately reflected in exports.

Plot Type added to Release Point chart

You can now chart Average Pitch Type points and Average + All with a new Plot Type control on Release Point charts.

Power Player + Team Lists with Google Sheets

Data pro customers can now power entity lists with Google Sheets. Connecting entity lists to google sheets makes it possible to view and easily update pref and watch lists that are created in your organization's internal system. When players are added to watch and pref lists in your internal system they can be quickly and automatically reflected in your TruMedia site by connecting that internal site list to the Google Sheets.

Pinned lists powered by Google Sheets can be created in the new Entity Lists Management tab in site settings.

Select Google Sheets in Entity List Type dropdown

Add PlayerIDs to a column in a Google Sheet.


The spreadsheet ID can be found in the URL.

Paste the spreadsheet ID and select the appropriate sheet and column.

Players will populate the list according to the IDs entered on the corresponding Google Sheet.

You can also create traditional pinned lists in settings by searching for players/teams + adding them to the list. 

Lists powered by Google Sheets cannot be edited in the app. For example, if you open a pinned list powered by Google Sheets on sortables, edit and save the list, those changes will not persist. 

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the Splits page table doesn't sort correctly when sorting in ascending order.

Fixed a bug refreshing the video player when initiated from Pitch Log pages + tables.

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