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Modeling Overview

TruMedia's modeling philosophy has always been to create simple and explainable models. Historically these have mostly been descriptive, player independent, linear or logistic regressions models. They've been focused on pitch, batted ball, and fielding data and are calibrated over one or more seasons. We've recently expanded our data science team and are exploring different areas where we can bring new insights and add more value by diving deeper, exploring new areas, and exploring new modeling techniques. Feedback on where you'd like to see us expand our modeling efforts is always appreciated.

Unless otherwise indicated, the objective for each of these models is to have the primary target metric calibrated over the aggregate set of training seasons. This means that in some cases each individual season may not be exactly calibrated.

Expected Passed Ball & Wild Pitch Model


Infield Fielding Range Model

Infield Skills.png

Expected Hits Model

Expected Hits.png

Outfield Positioning Models


Expected Stolen Bases Model

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