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Graphics - Team & Player Pages

Add a new graphic

  1. Tap the + button in top right corner of the graphics bar.

  2. Select a new graphic from the menu.

Switch a graphic

  1. Tap the title of the graphic.

  2. Choose from the menu of options.

Remove a graphic

  1. Tap the X button in the top right corner of a graphic.

Customize the graphic settings

  1. Open the individual graphic settings.

  2. Choose from the menu of options.

Individual graphic filters

  1. Select the individual graphic filters icon.

  2. Choose from the menu of options.

Change the size of the graphics

  1. Open the size menu in top right corner of the graphics bar.

  2. Select a new size from the available options.

Save a configuration of graphics

  1. Open the Create Graphic Config menu.

  2. Name the configuration and tap the save button.

Share a graphics configuration

  1. Open the Additional settings menu.

  2. Toggle the Public option and tap Save.

You need an Admin account to make this public.


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